Without understanding, we can never hope to relate or inspire.
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More of Our Films
“It’s All About the Abilities” Ann Asks: Episode 1
Here’s the documentary short film that started it all! Our very first episode of Ann Asks was filmed at the Performing Arts of Studio West in Inglewood, California. Ann and Paul were blown away by the thoughtfulness, honesty, love, and the seemingly limitless warmth that PASW shared with them while filming the first episode. It immediately heighten the mandate of Ann Asks and after watching, we think you’ll see why!
Check The Care Label
Meet Ross Dodds. Ross runs several laundromats in Los Angeles, but that’s not what “Check the Care Label” is about or what makes Ross and the individuals in this film such worthy subjects. Prepare to be inspired, educated, and maybe even shed a tear or two! Who knew that doing laundry could be such a profound experience?!
“Virtue Cannot Be About Convenience” Ann Asks: Episode 3
The Ann Asks community is comprised of many extraordinary and inspiring individuals!!. Tabbatha Mays, the focus of the third episode of Ann Asks, is one such individual and the physical embodiment of what just one person can achieve! She thoughtfully navigates life while continually evolving and growing, all the while, helping and inspiring others! We’re proud to call her a friend and invite you to see why by watching this episode!
We Believe
This short film is a mantra, in video form! It is the belief system, and also the mission statement of Ann Asks. “We Believe” also shows that the Ann Asks community is more than an online experience or a place to make films and tell stories. Entertaining people is certainly important. So is educating them!! But taking action in the real world, bringing people together, connecting, working, and making the world a better place with action is the most important thing any of us can do! Take. Action! Do something!! The world will be better for it!
The seeds of Ann Asks were planted with a lunch meeting between veteran actor Ann Benson and Producer Paul Howard in 2017, where we dreamed up a vision to create something that would entertain and also directly impact people and their lives. Ann Asks is much more than its creators or its projects, it is a community and a way of thinking.
We believe that much of the content Hollywood creates (especially within media/news) is divisive, angry, negative, and full of fear-mongering. There is little focus on all the amazing people (and there are truly so many!) doing positive things impacting our lives and world…
Every. Single. Day!

That’s our mission with Ann Asks: To challenge the old, negative model of storytelling AND to share these stories in hopes of entertaining and inspiring others!
Ann Asks believes that art, film, and—more specifically—artists are equipped to do much more than entertain. Ann Asks is a positive, like-minded community that strives to impact the real world around us, beyond our online interactions. Ann Asks has inspired numerous volunteering opportunities, activism, and even created an “Ann Asks Volunteer Day” that brought together participants across our various projects to support a selected nonprofit.
We look forward to doing more and welcome you to our community!
Key Players
Key Players

Paul Howard
Paul Howard has always been interested in entertaining people and in telling stories. His professional career started as an actor when he went to the audition based two year theatre training program at San Joaquin Delta College. Later he transferred to UC Irvine where he received a BA in Drama. Paul’s interests in the theatre and in film started much earlier though. Read More

Ann Benson
Ann Benson hails from Dallas, Texas, where she had a children’s TV show called SMALL FRY VARIETIES; appeared in countless TV commercials, starred in Breck Wall’s Bottom’s Up & starred in numerous musical comedy revues produced by Ann’s husband Jerry Segal at the Adolphus Hotel. Stanley Melba, Orchestra Leader & booker of the Cotillion Room of New York’s Pierre Hotel flew to Dallas, and booked their musical comedy into the Pierre, where Ann & the show received rave reviews. Read More

Gareth Fient
Gareth Fient is a multi award-winning editor from England. He specializes in drama, and documentary work. Predominantly working on documentaries over the past few years. Gareth has a passion for story telling and giving the audience an insight into a world they know very little about. With over 10 years experience, an a wealth of films under his belt, Gareth continues to inspire audiences and encourage them to share stories with others through the power of film

Marc Wiercioch
Marc Wiercioch is a Cameraman. After a few PA and transpo gigs 15 years ago, he fell into Camera and never looked back. Marc challenges himself to make the complex, simple.
AC/OP www.FictionCorp.com

Ettore Zuccarelli
Ettore Zuccarelli is a Los Angeles based print and video producer. With over 20 years experience in the entertainment industry, Zuccarelli is skilled in a range of genres and adept at manipulating and presenting a variety of photography formats. Experienced at focusing and aligning all aspects behind the camera, he has planned and carried out successful photography production on both domestic and international fronts. Read More
A Pebble in the Pond is a timely, timeless look at a modern story with deep roots: In the 1890’s a dynamic and innovative woman named Anne Banning formed the Assistance League and did local charitable work that focused on children. Our documentary tells Anne’s story and traces the history of the Assistance League: from its humble beginnings to a call to action following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake; through Red Cross innovations and two World Wars, Old Hollywood connections, and a dramatic reemergence; to world-changing innovations by women pioneers still being used today!
The film explores their signature program, Operation School Bell, which provides clothing, backpacks, books, and basic necessities to children who are a part of the foster system, low income, or even homeless. We showcase amazing individuals quietly donating their time (sometimes decades!) and talents to help others, and we also spotlight those who were once helped and now themselves give back! Today, the Assistance League’s 120 chapters across the country continue to change the lives of children and adults, and shows that in a still pond, even the smallest pebble can create huge and far reaching ripples.
Audiences will see this entertaining documentary film and these forgotten pioneers and be inspired to ask:
How can I create ripples too?
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