Without understanding, we can never hope to relate or inspire.
Ann Benson
Ann Benson hails from Dallas, Texas, where she had a children’s TV show called SMALL FRY VARIETIES; appeared in countless TV commercials, starred in Breck Wall’s Bottom’s Up & starred in numerous musical comedy revues produced by Ann’s husband Jerry Segal at the Adolphus Hotel. Stanley Melba, Orchestra Leader & booker of the Cotillion Room of New York’s Pierre Hotel flew to Dallas, and booked their musical comedy into the Pierre, where Ann & the show received rave reviews.
In Manhattan, Ann joined Merrill Lynch, and became their traveling spokesperson. At Merrill Lynch Ann created the industry’s first free Investing and Savings Educational Seminar Program for Women, & traveled cross country publicizing & presenting seminars, for which she was awarded the Public Relations Society of America’s highest award, THE SILVER ANVIL in 1980.
She has been quoted in numerous magazines and newspapers, including BUSINESS WEEK, MONEY MAGAZINE, USA TODAY, BRIDE MAGAZINE, INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR, TOWN & COUNRY, VANITY FAIR & the 75th Anniversary Issue of READERS DIGEST. Ann was also featured in WORKING WOMAN Magazine.

For three years Ann by-lined a monthly column titled FINANCIAL WOMAN that was syndicated in over 250 local and regional publications. In Los Angeles, Ann was the Financial Consultant on a Nationally Syndicated show, TAKING ADVANTAGE, which ran for two years.
ANN BENSON’S background combines elements of two very different worlds: theater and finance. She studied drama at SMU & the University of Texas. During her career as a stage performer, she starred in productions of HELLO DOLLY, MAME, OLIVER, HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS, THE BOY FRIEND, THE KING & I. Since Ann has been in Los Angeles she has worked on numerous TV & films, that include MADMEN, CSI, SCORPION, and 3 seasons of BETTY WHITE’S OFF THEIR ROCKERS.
Currently Ann & her work partner, Paul Howard, have created ANN ASKS. Ann & Paul decided to create a show that inspires! In a time where today’s world seems exceptionally depressing and chaotic, they choose to show people who are making other people’s lives better. Their first show at the Performing Arts Studio West highlights hands on, individualized training and career management for performers with disabilities.
Their second show at the L A Kitchen emphasizes that no food and no person should ever be wasted. Their third show featured Tabatha Mays who teaches young black girls to become strong black women.
Ann is married to writer Jerry Segal. Their two children: the late Shelli Segal, who was a well-known L A Fashion Designer, and Actor-Director Robby Benson. Jerry & Robby wrote ONE ON ONE, a basketball movie, popular in the late 70’s, in which Robby starred.
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